- Elkem
- About Elkem
- Corporate management and Board of directors
- Marianne Færøyvik
Marianne Færøyvik
Board member (employee representative)

Key experience: Ms. Marianne Færøyvik has been with Elkem since 1995. She has worked with engineering, technical development, project procurement, production improvement and manufacturing analysis in Elkem and is currently a senior chemical engineer.
Ms. Marianne Færøyvik is educated at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and has a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, also from NTNU.
She has been an employee representative director of the board since 2016, and has a term of office until 2026.
Prior to this, she was a deputy board member on the Elkem board of directors.
Number of Elkem shares: 4.950