- Elkem
- Sustainability
- Policies, strategies and reporting
- Previous reports and related information
- Sustainability reporting 2018
- Highlights from the 2018 report
Highlights from the 2018 report
How did we do in 2018? The sustainability report covers all material topics to Elkem, but here is some top take-aways from the report.

Elkem is a signatory to the UN Global Compact. We base our definition of social responsibility on the UN Global Compact’s four main principles. We have written an article on our policies and progress according the principles. Read more by following the link here.
Our sustainability work, and therefore our reporting, has been grouped into four topics; compliance and governance, energy and environment, attractive employer and societal impact. These topics are based on what we consider material topics for Elkem.
2018 highlights: |
2018 highlights: |
2018 highlights: |
2018 highlights: |
Governance and compliance
2018 highlights:
- Compliance: No identified material incidents of non-compliance with law and regulations.
- Anti-competitive behaviour: No identified incidents of anti-competitive behaviour.
- Environmental compliance: No material deviation causing risk of environmental effect.
- Anti-corruption: No identified incidents of corruption.
Attractive employer
2018 highlights:
- Injury severity: Total recordable injury rate at 2,2 (H1+H2) – second best ever.
- Absentee rate: 2,5 % - best in nine years.
- Diversity and equality: One case of verbal sexual harassment reported in 2017. Case was resolved in 2018, resulting in termination of employment.
- Female share: 25 %, up from 22%
- Female leaders: 25%, down from 28%
- Female blue-collar workers: 18%, up from 7%
- Female white-collar workers: 34%, down from 36%
- All changes are mainly due to the integration of Elkem Xinghuo and Elkem Yongdeng in 2018 (both plants are in China).
- Child and forced labour: No reported incidents.
Energy and environment
2018 highlights:
- Total gross electricity consumption: 6 228 GWh, up from 5 279 GWh in 2017.
- Total CO₂ emissions: 2,54 million tonnes.
- 75% of our emissions is from our smelters
- Total NOₓ emissions: 7 070 tonnes.
- Norwegian smelters saw a reduction of 5% in 2018
- 10% reduction of dust emissions.
Societal impact
2018 highlights:
- Active supply base of 15,000
- NOK 15 billion in procurement
- 100% of new suppliers was screened for social and environmental criteria
- Human rights violation in supply chain: No reported incidents.